Results for 'M. B. E.'

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  1.  55
    Wolff's argument for anarchism.M. B. E. Smith - 1973 - Journal of Value Inquiry 7 (4):290-295.
  2.  34
    Rights, Right Answers, and the Constructive Model of Morality.M. B. E. Smith - 1980 - Social Theory and Practice 5 (3-4):409-426.
  3.  43
    Review essay / the best intuitionistic theory yet! Thomson on rights.M. B. E. Smith - 1992 - Criminal Justice Ethics 11 (2):85-97.
    Judith Jarvis Thomson, The Realm Of Rights Harvard University Press, 1990, viii, 383pp.
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    Indifference And Moral Acceptance.M. B. E. Smith - 1972 - American Philosophical Quarterly 9 (1):86-93.
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  5.  21
    Review essay / rights and responsibilities.M. B. E. Smith - 1996 - Criminal Justice Ethics 15 (1):75-85.
    Lloyd Weinreb, Oedipus at Fenway Park: What Rights There Are and Why There Are Any Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1994, viii, 221 pp.
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    Commentary: How much should lawyers know when picking a jury?M. B. E. Smith - 2005 - Criminal Justice Ethics 24 (2):2-54.
  7.  82
    Ethical Intuitionism and Naturalism: A Reconciliation.M. B. E. Smith - 1979 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 9 (4):609 - 629.
    I argue that, If one adopts a minimal naturalism (of a kind rejected by moore, Hare, "et al".), One would adopt a methodology which yields conclusions identical to that yielded by intuitionistic methodology (of a kind employed by ross, Prichard, "et al".). I dilate upon the advantages which thus accrue to each theory, And I defend my minimal naturalism against a variety of objections.
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    Foot and Hare on naturalism.M. B. E. Smith - 1974 - Metaphilosophy 5 (3):187–197.
    In "moral arguments" ("mind", 1958), Philippa foot displayed what she claimed to be a deduction of an evaluative conclusion from a non-Evaluative premise. In "freedom and reason", R m hare attacks foot-Style deductions on two grounds: he first offers a "reductio", Comparing them to a racist deduction; he then offers an explanation of where all of these arguments go awry. I argue in my paper's first part that hare's explanation rests upon a defective criterion of entailment. In passing I show (...)
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    Reply to David Luban.M. B. E. Smith - 1991 - Law and Philosophy 10 (4):427 - 432.
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  10.  22
    Do appellate courts regularly cheat?M. B. E. Smith - 1997 - Criminal Justice Ethics 16 (2):11-19.
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    Review essay / Can a lawyer be happy?M. B. E. Smith - 2000 - Criminal Justice Ethics 19 (2):44-52.
    William H. Simon, The Practice of Justice: A Theory of Lawyers? Ethics Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998, viii + 253 pp.
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  12.  83
    Review essay / the obligation to obey the law: Revision or explanation?M. B. E. Smith - 1989 - Criminal Justice Ethics 8 (2):60-70.
    Kent Greenawalt, Conflicts of Law and Morality New York: Oxford University Press, 1987; xii, 383pp.
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  13. KÖHLER, W. - The Mentality of Apes. [REVIEW]E. M. B. E. M. B. - 1925 - Mind 34:369.
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  14.  16
    (1 other version)Rawls and Intuitionism.M. B. E. Smith - 1977 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 3:163-178.
    Intuitionism has for many years been a poor relation among the various metaethical theories, commonly thought both parochial and irrational. Most recent writers who attempt a survey of ethical theory mention it briefly in an embarrassed sort of way, and then dismiss it in a paragraph or two. John Rawls, however, does not share this common attitude. In his recent book he represents his own theory as being an alternative both to intuitionism and to utilitarianism, and it is apparent from (...)
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  15.  26
    The Duty to Obey the Law.M. B. E. Smith - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson, A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell. pp. 457–466.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Prima Facie Duty to Obey: A Brief History Implications of Catechistic Metaethics for the Duty of Obedience Implications of Commonalist Metaethics for the Duty of Obedience Conclusion References.
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  16. Should lawyers listen to philosophers about legal ethics?M. B. E. Smith - 1990 - Law and Philosophy 9 (1):67 - 93.
    In the recent spate of philosophers' writing on legal ethics, most contend that lawyers' professional role exposes them to great risk of moral wrongdoing; and some even conclude that the role's demands inevitably corrupt lawyers' characters. In assessing their arguments, I take up three questions: (1) whether philosophers' training and experience give them authority to scold lawyers; (2) whether anything substantive has emerged in the scolding that lawyers are morally bound to take to heart; and (3) whether lawyers ought to (...)
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  17.  41
    Historical studies on the phlogiston theory.—II. The negative weight of phlogiston.J. R. Partington M. B. E. D. Sc & Douglas McKie D. Sc PhD - 1938 - Annals of Science 3 (1):1-58.
  18.  37
    The origins of the atomic theory.J. R. Partington M. B. E. D. Sc - 1939 - Annals of Science 4 (3):245-282.
  19.  26
    William Bullock's collection and the university of Edinburgh, 1819.Jessie M. Sweet M. B. E. B. Sc - 1970 - Annals of Science 26 (1):23-32.
  20.  24
    The collection of Louis Dufresne (1752–1832).Jessie M. Sweet M. B. E. B. Sc - 1970 - Annals of Science 26 (1):33-71.
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  21.  45
    Morten wormskiold: Botanist: (1783–1845).Jessie M. Sweet M. B. E. B. Sc - 1972 - Annals of Science 28 (3):293-305.
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  22. Assessment of children's capacity to consent for research: a descriptive qualitative study of researchers' practices.B. E. Gibson, E. Stasiulis, S. Gutfreund, M. McDonald & L. Dade - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (8):504-509.
    Background In Canadian jurisdictions without specific legislation pertaining to research consent, the onus is placed on researchers to determine whether a child is capable of independently consenting to participate in a research study. Little, however, is known about how child health researchers are approaching consent and capacity assessment in practice. The aim of this study was to explore and describe researchers' current practices. Methods The study used a qualitative descriptive design consisting of 14 face-to-face interviews with child health researchers and (...)
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    Use of [14C]-2-deoxyglucose to detect regional brain activities associated with fearful behavior in wild Norway rats.B. E. Morton, R. J. Blanchard, E. M. C. Lee, K. Pang & D. C. Blanchard - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (3):235-238.
  24.  24
    Dharmasenagaṇi Mahattara's Vasudevahiṃḍī Madhyama KhaṇḍaPadmasundarasūri's Pārśvaṅāthacarita-MahākāvyaVardhamānasūri's JugāijiṇiṃdacariyaPadmasundarasūri's YadusundaramahākāvyaDharmasenagani Mahattara's Vasudevahimdi Madhyama KhandaPadmasundarasuri's Parsvanathacarita-MahakavyaVardhamanasuri's JugaijinimdacariyaPadmasundarasuri's Yadusundaramahakavya.E. B., H. C. Bhayani, R. M. Shah, Dharmasenagaṇi Mahattara, Kshama Munshi, Padmasundarasūri, Rupendrakumar Pagaria, D. P. Raval, Dharmasenagani Mahattara & Padmasundarasuri - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):181.
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  25.  42
    Nirukta Notes.E. B. & M. A. Mehendale - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (2):214.
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  26.  18
    Critical notices.M. B. E. - 1925 - Mind 34 (135):369-372.
    Burgess, J.P. and Rosen, G. Subject with No ObjectElliott, R.Faking Nature.
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    ABET Criterion 3.f: How Much Curriculum Content is Enough?B. E. Barry & M. W. Ohland - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):369-392.
    Even after multiple cycles of ABET accreditation, many engineering programs are unsure of how much curriculum content is needed to meet the requirements of ABET’s Criterion 3.f (an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility). This study represents the first scholarly attempt to assess the impact of curriculum reform following the introduction of ABET Criterion 3.f. This study sought to determine how much professional and ethical responsibility curriculum content was used between 1995 and 2005, as well as how, when, why, and (...)
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  28.  22
    Indian Fiction in English.E. B. & Dorothy M. Spencer - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (4):392.
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    A Course in Urdu.E. B., M. A. R. Barker, H. J. Hamdani, K. M. Shafi Dihlavi & Shafiqur Rahman - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):373.
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    A Handbook of Asian Scripts.E. B., R. F. Hosking & G. M. Meredith-Owens - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):374.
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  31.  20
    Chemical StructureBasic Ideas of Abstract MathematicsThermal Physic.B. E. Dawson, A. M. Hodgson, M. Fyfe, D. Woodrow & A. G. E. Blake - 1971 - British Journal of Educational Studies 19 (2):232.
  32.  32
    An Agta Grammar.E. B. & Phyllis M. Healey - 1961 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (4):459.
  33.  19
    Comparative retention of open and closed visual forms.H. Gurnee, B. E. Witzeman & M. Heller - 1940 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 27 (1):66.
  34.  26
    Notes bibliographiques et Informations. [REVIEW]P. M.-O., P. -M. S., E. B., M.-O., P. Masson-Oursel, G. D., M. Laffranque & J. -L. Destouches - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:466-482.
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  35.  23
    Readings in Urdu.E. B. & C. M. Naim - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (2):215.
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  36.  30
    Standardization of two tests of equilibrium: the railwalking test and the ataxiagraph.M. B. Fisher, J. E. Birren & A. L. Leggett - 1945 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 35 (4):321.
  37.  22
    (1 other version)Soviet-American Philosophic Discussions.M. B. Mitin & M. E. Omel'ianovskii - 1964 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 3 (2):52-55.
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  38.  31
    The Duty to Obey the Law: Selected Philosophical Readings.Leslie Green, Kent Greenawalt, Nancy J. Hirschmann, George Klosko, Mark C. Murphy, John Rawls, Joseph Raz, Rolf Sartorius, A. John Simmons, M. B. E. Smith, Philip Soper, Jeremy Waldron, Richard A. Wasserstrom & Robert Paul Wolff (eds.) - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The question 'Why should I obey the law?' introduces a contemporary puzzle that is as old as philosophy itself. The puzzle is especially troublesome if we think of cases in which breaking the law is not otherwise wrongful, and in which the chances of getting caught are negligible. Philosophers from Socrates to H.L.A. Hart have struggled to give reasoned support to the idea that we do have a general moral duty to obey the law but, more recently, the greater number (...)
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  39.  43
    Notes bibliographiques. [REVIEW]P. -M. S., E. B., G. Gougenheim, G. Grua, M.-O., P. D. & E. N. - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142 (96):142-157.
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  40.  27
    Ordered subset linkage analysis supports a susceptibility locus for age-related macular degeneration on chromosome 16p12.M. B. Gorin, S. Schmidt, W. K. Scott, E. A. Postel, A. Agarwal, E. R. Hauser, M. A. De La Paz, Gilbert Jr, J. L. de WeeksHaines & M. A. Pericak-Vance - unknown
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  41.  16
    Single Neuron Electrophysiology.B. E. Stein, M. T. Wallace & T. R. Stanford - 1998 - In George Graham & William Bechtel, A Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell. pp. 433–449.
    All of our information about the world is derived from the function of our senses, and thus they are the principal source of all our knowledge. This was recognized explicitly by early Greek philosophers, remained an important point of discussion for nineteenth‐century philosophers, and continues to be a key issue for present‐day philosophers, psychologists, and neuroscientists. It is a key issue in cognitive science because, by initiating the processes that store and evaluate information, sensory information transmission can be considered a (...)
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  42.  19
    Linkage analysis of X-linked cone-rod dystrophy: localization to Xp11.4 and definition of a locus distinct from RP2 and RP3. [REVIEW]M. B. Gorin, A. B. Seymour, A. Dash-Modi, O'Connell Jr, M. Shaffer-Gordon, T. S. Mah, S. T. Stefko, R. Nagaraja, J. Brown, A. E. Kimura & R. E. Ferrell - unknown
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  43.  17
    The Association Between Symptoms of Depression and School Absence in a Population-Based Study of Late Adolescents.Kristin G. Askeland, Tormod Bøe, Astri J. Lundervold, Kjell M. Stormark & Mari Hysing - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  44. Investigations on Fragments of First Order Branching Temporal Logic.G. M. Pinna, E. P. B. Tiezzi & F. Montagna - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (1):51-62.
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    Time-out duration and the control of an avoidance response rate.Harry M. B. Hurwitz & Albert E. Roberts - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (2):103-105.
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    Decline of response rate during signaled deferment of ESB reinforcement.Harry M. B. Hurwitz & Robert E. James - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (2):99-102.
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    A Vietnamese Reader.M. B. E., Laurence C. Thompson & Nguyen duc Hiep - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (1):139.
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  48. Chemistry of Organic Fluorine Compounds II.B. E. Smart, M. Hudlicky & A. E. Pavlath - 1995 - A Critical Review 187:979.
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    A new locus for dominant drusen and macular degeneration maps to chromosome 6q14.M. Kniazeva, E. I. Traboulsi, Z. Yu, S. T. Stefko, M. B. Gorin, Y. Y. Shugart, O'Connell Jr, C. J. Blaschak, G. Cutting, M. Han & K. Zhang - unknown
    PURPOSE:To report the localization of a gene causing drusen and macular degeneration in a previously undescribed North American family. METHODS:Genetic mapping studies were performed using linkage analysis in a single family with drusen and atrophic macular degeneration. RESULTS:The clinical manifestations in this family ranged from fine macular drusen in asymptomatic middle-aged individuals to atrophic macular lesions in two children and two elderly patients. We mapped the gene to chromosome 6q14 between markers D6S2258 and D6S1644. CONCLUSIONS:In a family with autosomal dominant (...)
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  50. New books. [REVIEW]M. B. Foster, H. R. MacKintosh, W. D. Lamont, A. C. Ewing, J. Drever, S. N. Dasgupta, John Laird & T. E. Jessop - 1929 - Mind 38 (149):111-124.
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